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A Declaration Of The Reformation Of The De-jure Commonwealth Of Australia As Per The 1900UK Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act Non Copyright
As High Court Justice Kirby rightly stated;
“No parliament by preambular assertion can speak an authority into being when none exists in Law.”
The legislative power of the Commonwealth shall be vested in a Federal Parliament, which shall consist of the Queen, a Senate, and a House of Representatives, and which is herein-after called “The Parliament,” or “The Parliament of the Commonwealth.“
NOT The Parliament Of Australia
The Parliament of Australia Is Repugnant at Law to the Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK as proclaimed and gazetted under the Great Seal of The United Kingdom non copyright.
The Corporation trading as Commonwealth Of Australia has no contract with the people Of The Lands Known As Australia To access the Common Wealth that belongs to the People
Therefor the above Corporation and all Subsidiaries are Trading Insolvent
Are you in alignment with the Reformation of The Constitutional Reformation Of Australia??